So what is Christmas all about? Is it all about the presents? The family get togethers? The food? The decorations? Or is it about Christ?
This year I've really sat back & thought how do I want to portray Christmas to my kids. I've heard of one extreme to the other. Santa is the devil to Santa gets all the glory. And me personally, I am looking for the glory of God & the childhood memories of excitement.
I sat in Church this weekend & our service was about Christmas. How fitting? :)
Our Pastor asked the big ole question - what do you want for Christmas? Immediately my mind started turning... I want everything, as we all do. But realistically what do I want? I can think of a few.
But then there was a twist, as there should be... If you asked God for what you want for Christmas, what would that list look like? And oh boy did I get excited. I thought of more specific things to ask from Him than any material item I could possess on earth.
And really, isn't that why we are here? To glorify God. To seek Him. To tell Him what we want (in a non greedy manner).
My first one I thought in my head, Salvation. Salvation for all of course, but more specifically those near & dear to my heart because this list is my list, right?
And then I thought a perfect marriage. I am not talking all flowers & butterflies & happy faces, I am talking about trials & tribulations but being madly in love for the rest of my life & that blessing can only come from One.
And then I thought my kids. I want everything for them of course. But mostly for them to learn to love Jesus the way I do. For them to be saved.
And then I got real.. Me. God fix all my brokenness I may have. Fix my "moods" that each & every woman has, but let me be able to control those. Let the words that flow out of my mouth be pleasing to the Lord & everyone that I am speaking to. Rid my negativity. Rid any judgmental thought that ever crosses my mind. Let me stay crazy in love with Jesus Christ. Don't let me fall away. Make 2013 the best year I've ever lived on this earth. Make me a better person God.
Mark 10:51-52 -- "What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus asked him. The blind man said, "Rabbi, I want to see." "Go," said Jesus, "your faith has healed you." Immediately he received his sight & followed Jesus along the road.
2 Chronicles 1:7 -- That night God appeared to Solomon & said to him, "Ask for whatever you want me to give you."
John 15:7 -- "If you remain in me & my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, & it will be given you."
You may think it's obvious what you want, and God does know what you want. BUT do you tell Him what you want? Do you ask Him for things? It clearly is stated in the verses above & throughout the Bible, He demands to be told what we want. He asks us. He wants us to verbally go to Him & say God I am struggling with this, please help me with that.
For the next 2 weeks until Christmas, I encourage you to get out a piece of paper & make your Christmas List ready for the One that can save & can answer & can give & can provide.
You may have the best Christmas yet because I pray that for you all.
I have often struggled with prayer, with asking God for things and sharing my concerns with him. After all, he already knows everything. Why does he need me to tell him? Thank you for this reminder...that he wants us to ask, to tell. Need to start making my list today.
ReplyDelete*clap clap* well written!