Friday, February 21, 2014

He Will Sustain You

Happy Friday friends!

 I won't keep you long but just wanted to share a quick little bit of what's been on my mind with you.

Over the past two weeks I have walked through something very difficult for myself and my family, counseled a close loved one through some difficult emotions and found out just today that another dear and precious family member is struggling through something difficult as well.  There is one verse that has been ringing loud and clear in my head:

Psalm 55:22 
Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you.  
He will never let the righteous fall.

When I came across this in a study a few weeks ago I looked up the definition for the word Sustain.  I have a general knowledge of the meaning but I wanted to know more.  Here's what I found...

Sustain: To give support or relief to, to supply with necessities or nourishment,  to support the weight of, to bear up under, to encourage, to support the spirits.

Each of these has such profound meaning to me as I sit and take in the reality that my God does ALL of these things for me.  My big, powerful, capable, loving God!  I'm especially struck by this, "to bear up under."  I literally see the Lord scooping me up in His huge hands and holding me up when I am suffering.  Will you allow the Lord to sustain you through your difficult times?


  1. Yes I will! He is my hero and I have those same visuals in my mind of him taking me into His arms, haha, it is nice to know that someone feels that too. Thank you for this verse, it is so appropriate to me right now because I have been feeling very depleted since I moved to a new town recently and it's been difficult adjusting.

  2. With His strength.. This is wonderful.

  3. I'm so thankful for Him to sustain and I will be trying to lean on Him and let go of my understanding! Thank you.

  4. Vanessa, thank you for sharing! Thank God for those big strong arms when we need them most! I hope you find support all around you as you settle into your new home :)

    Cheri, love you sis!

