Tuesday, December 4, 2012

At the feet of Jesus

Everything we ever need is at His feet. In His presence. Worshiping, praising, taking all the expensive oil that you have and washing His feet. That expensive oil represents what means the most to us and laying it at His feet.
What would you give up for Him? Would it be the last drop of your perfume?
I have found that by constantly being at his feet, there is peace and a love that you cannot explain. Understanding and revelation. You cannot find these things anywhere else.
At His feet there is forgiveness, healing and miracles.
What is so important about being at his feet? By living at His feet you are positioned for success and God does not let anyone miss their mark when they are at the feet of Jesus.
 We can learn so much from Mary of Bethany.
She positioned herself at Jesus' feet and gave her most fragrant expensive oil that she had.
When you read the story of Martha & Mary in Luke 10: 38-42 you notice 3 things.
1. Martha hears & listens
2. Martha asks
3. Martha gives.
When Martha gave she gave what was costly and broken for her. She gave a very fragrant offering so that meant everyone had to smell it. This costly offering was prized by Jesus.
She sits and hears
She sits and asks
She sits and gives
These are the 3 things we should be doing at His feet.
Jesus wasn't as concerned with what she was giving him but the time she was spending with Him. Yes it was costly but it's not what you give but the time you spend with God.
People rebuked her for giving such a costly thing... Mark 14:4
They didn't understand and thought it was wasteful.
Jesus got on to them saying, "Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me." Matthew 26:10
When we give something to God like our time, praise, worship and money, many people do not understand. They see it as too costly... but when you are at the feet of Jesus nothing is too good for Him! We are willing to do anything because we know he will always take care of us.
We can stay at the feet by worshiping, praising, worshiping and seeking his face all the time. Be in a state of constant communion. Remember it's about a relationship with Him.
So I remind you to LIVE AT THE FEET OF JESUS because at the feet of Jesus that is where we find our strength.

1 comment:

  1. Love these posts, but I just wanted to say, wasn't it Mary that broke the box and anointed the feet of Jesus? Martha was serving.
