Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Let Go and Let God

Sometimes the unknown can get the best of us. What if THIS and what if THAT. As time goes on we can be consumed with the "what ifs." We can also be consumed by time frames. When is God going to do this or when is God gonna open this door or that door? As Christians these can be daily thoughts.

This is something I am currently battling. THE UNKNOWN. Something BIG is about to happen in my life. Exciting and very nerve racking for me because it is so life changing and I just don't know what it's going to be like. I recently have been frustrated because I just don't know when it's exactly going to happen. It's all I had been thinking about. It wasn't until yesterday that I finally realized that me worrying about "WHEN" won't change a thing! God has everything all planned out and I really don't need to worry about it. It is in His timing and not when I think I'm ready for it.

So, I am choosing to step aside, give all my worries, concerns and frustrations to Jesus and just let it happen when God planned for it to happen. I'm going to choose to have peace and be worry free.

When it is God's  plan it will just happen and will be even better than we imagined! He will give us the desires of our hearts!


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