Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What is your main priority?

Have you ever felt like there needed to be some changes in your life? Most importantly, changes of putting more effort into your time spent with God? Yes, we know He's always there, always listening, and will never leave nor forsake us, so is that why we neglect time with Him sometimes? It's almost like oh well He's always there and will be there tomorrow but right now I'm just so stressed and busy. You can wait just a minute right God? SO wrong, but you know what? God really is always there and always waiting for us to come to Him. For fellowship, conversation and friendship because that is what we were created for in the first place.

There are some important things to remember when we are too busy for God.

1. Life sucks when God's priorities aren't first.
 It seems like when God isn't first then everything falls apart. We fall into wrong thinking. We put church off and we backslide. Everyone does this at one point or another so there is no need to feel horrible. Faith is a fight! So keep fighting! I know I fall guilty of this. I start thinking negatively about situations in my life and then somehow everything feels like it just sucks, but that's not true!

2. God requires our TIME, TALENT & TREASURES
Time= prayer, praise, worship, reading our bibles and going to church

Talent= Using what God gave me for HIM. Volunteer at church also. God gave us our talents for his kingdom purposes anyways.

Treasure= tithes. When we tithe the windows of Heaven are open for us. It's like having life insurance. We are protected against the schemes of the enemy and our children are protected!
So, if we are needing change in our life and a fresh fire for Him to set our priorities straight then look to His word! The bible is our life manual. It's a way for God to speak to us anytime we want. How cool is that?

When we dive head first into out life manuals every single day we are getting drenched in His word and promises. When we are drenched with His word and promises then we are motivated to set out priorities straight and put Jesus first!

So, what is your main priority?

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